This not at fault accident repair car hire business has been established for 8 years in the industrial precinct of South of Sydney. The owner and his team run a full service not at fault accident replacement car hire service, supplying luxury vehicles to drivers who are not at fault. Currently there is a list of 21 vehicles in the fleet.
Premises Cars are parked in a smash repair car yard south of Sydney. However 80% of them are usually being hired out.
Hours of Operation Monday to Saturday – 8.00am to 4.30pm Some work outside of these hours
Potential Target more smash repair workshops
Promote more on social media
Employees 1 x part time owner
Financials Summary Weekly Takings $6078 ( based on the last 2 years trading history) Cost of Goods $0 Gross Profit $6078 Rent $0 Rego $249 Fuel $150 Telephone $20
Insurance $871 Rebates $177 Misc 2 $1469 (repairs, maintenance, tolls and parking) Total Expense $2936 Net profit $3142 (profit for 1 working owner 20 hours p/w) Estimated Asset Value $300,000 ( includes 21 vehicles)
Asking Price: $350,000 including assets
The Opportunity 8 years established with contacts to over 20 panel shops supplying regular accident repair vehicles to not at fault customers. New owner can approach more panel shops and grow the fleet. Would suit someone who is in the hire car business already or a panel shop looking for extra income.
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