1300 33 18 14 info@businessbrokersnetwork.com.au

The listing and Selling Process



Provide info on BBN Selling process and Contract process

Discuss reasons for Selling and what Seller is planning to do later

Review Financials and discuss Asking Price of Business

Provide opinion on Price based on quick appraisal tests

Legal Appointment of Agent discuss and sign

Complete listing form Explain reason for Info Collect data & details


Advertisement on Web Internal Marketing

External Marketing Research Buyers from Various Data Bases

Evaluate Buyer Obtain Confidentiality Fwd Exec Summary

Determine interest Provide Further Info Financials

Arrange Inspection and provide further Information. Feedback

Gauge interest. Discuss process of the contract


Discuss price, answer questions on Business Provide further info

All offers on Contract Obtain details and conditions & complete

Discuss contract with Buyer explain details & make changes if req

Buyer to sign contract and hand over Deposit required

Present Contract to Seller for signing.

Re-negotiate Contract if necessary and have changes signed by all


Stakeholder Contract bank Deposit to Trust A/c and receipt

Fwd Contract to Buyer & Seller or their Solicitors

Follow up conditions if necessary assist where required

Liaise with Solicitors or accountants or Leasing agents

Confirm Contract is Unconditional

Proceed to settlement Training as per contract