1300 33 18 14 info@businessbrokersnetwork.com.au

New to the market

Want to sell your Business

Getting the best price for your business, is all about providing the Buyer with all the information the Buyer needs to decide to buy your business and his Bankers having the right information to determine if they will give the Buyer the money, to purchase your business. In today's market, this is very important.

To Get The Best Price for your Business. There are some important things to do and have, contact us and we can give you the information for your type of business

Buy a Business that is right for you

Buying a business these days is more than just the money. The business must fit into your lifestyle, family, and social life. Do you want to work to live or live to work? Finding the right business that suits you, your experiences, your finances and work ethic, is so important. Do you want a business that you can just slip into and keep the power going or are you looking for a business that can grow in a variety of areas? Do you want to be an owner-operator or are you looking for a business under management?

email Info@businessbrokersnetwork.com.au and we will give you a call

Business Appraisals and Valuations

To work out what a business is worth, you have to see the business, you have to walk around it, feel it and understand it. You have to see the people in the business, understand what they do, understand where the money is made. You have to understand the financials, look at the systems and procedures. Only then can you determine the worth of the business. Anyone giving you a price on a business based on the figures alone lacks knowledge and understanding.

Team Members

Some of the Business Brokers Team

Josh Keefe See Detail

Josh Keefe

Business Broker - Cowra NSW
  • 02 6341 1181
  • 0436 926 866

David Ferguson See Detail

David Ferguson

Childcare Specialist Broker – Sydney NSW
  • 0412 488 295

Heath Nicholson See Detail

Heath Nicholson

Business Broker - Sydney NSW
  • 0413 317 380

John Ferraro See Detail

John Ferraro

Business Broker - Melbourne VIC
  • 0423 241 241

Business Brokers Network Australia sells your business across Australia.

Business Articles

Buying or Selling a business during COVID-19?

Buying or Selling a business during COVID-19?

Buying or Selling a business during COVID-19? As Covoid 19 sweeps the country, we are seeing the very worst. Would anyone want to buy or sell a business during the COVID-19 crisis? The answer to that is “YES”…B [...]

Family - owned and run businesses

Family - owned and run businesses

Family - owned and run businesses. Build Value to Sell or pass on to the Family Family businesses could be facing a leadership crisis, with few businesses in good enough shape to be handed on to a new owner. Many owners have plenty of plans [...]